
Stanstead Debate Schedule
Canadian Parliamentary Senior Speaking Times

Dear Debaters and Coaches:

Stanstead College cordially invites you to participate in our annual tournament on Sunday, September 20th, 2015. The tournament will consist of three rounds of Parliamentary-style extemporaneous debate (straight resolution). Both junior and senior debaters are welcome to come. However, standard senior speaking times will be used. In addition, no distinction will be made on the tab between junior and senior teams. The rounds will not be bracketed. Each school may register four two-person teams (registration will be open until we reach 50 teams). If you are interested in the possibility of bringing additional teams, please indicate this in the RSVP email. Schools are required to bring one judge per two two-person teams. Stanstead will not be able to provide judges.

Schools may register by emailing at, indicating the number of teams and the names of the debaters the school intends to bring. Please register by September 16thth (earlier registrations are welcome and encouraged). There will be a fee of $55.00 per two-person team (additional fee of 15$ for observers). The fee includes brunch and supper. Check should be made payable to Stanstead College. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you.

Audrey Hamilton for Stanstead College