The Choate Rosemary Hall Debate Team cordially invites you to the Choate Invitational Debate Tournament on January 20, 2019. In both the novice and advanced division, the event will feature three rounds of parliamentary extemporaneous debate with straight resolutions.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
10:00 am | Registration and Brunch opens in Hill House |
11:00 am | Judges’ Meeting in Library Reading Room |
11:00 am | Debaters’ Meeting in Hill House |
12:00 pm | Round One |
1:00 pm | Round Two |
2:00 pm | Round Three |
3:15 pm | Lunch in Hill House |
4:15 pm | Awards Ceremony in Hill House |
Case preparation – 10 minutes
Prime Minister Constructive – 5 minutes
Member of the Opposition – 8 minutes
Minister of the Crown – 8 minutes
Leader of the Opposition – 8 minutes
Prime Minister Rebuttal – 3 minutes
Resolutions shall be “straight”
Points of Information will be permitted
All Official DANEIS Parliamentary Procedure Rules will be followed