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Fellow Debaters:

The St. Paul’s School Debate Team cordially invites you to attend our Sixth Annual Invitational Debate Tournament in Honor of Secretary of State John F. Kerry, to be held on Sunday, October 18, 2015.

The tournament is open to both advanced and novice teams, and you are welcome to enter no more than two four-person teams in each division. You must also provide one judge for each four-person team. In accordance with the DANEIS rule, only those who have participated in no more than six previous interscholastic tournaments, or those who have not debated in the last fifteen calendar months, may compete as novices. We do ask that coaches use their discretion.

The tournament will be Oregon-style Prepared, and will consist of three rounds. Pairs will debate on the same side of the resolution for all three rounds. The resolution is:

BIRT: the U.S. government should implement a tax on wealth.

Again, each team shall consist of four students, accompanied by a judge. While experienced advanced debaters are acceptable as judges in the novice division, advanced teams must have an adult judge. We regret that we are unable to provide judges. ALL student and adult judges should be thoroughly prepared in order to ensure a fair and constructive tournament.

Registration fees are $70 per four-person team (including judge), with a $10 charge per observer to offset meal costs. Please let us know by October 9 how many advanced teams, novice teams and observers you plan to bring, by emailing Kevin Barry, kbarry@sps.edu. Once we hear from you and closer to the tournament date, we will send you a request for the names of participating students to enter into our scoring system.

If there are any changes in the number of teams, names of participants, or positions they are debating (affirmative or negative), please contact me as soon as possible prior to the tournament. If the changes are last minute, on the morning of the debate, it is imperative that you call my cell phone (609-571-2206) before you leave your school, so that the schedule of debates, and/or the appropriate information in our scoring database, can be adjusted in time for a smooth start.

Please refer to our directions below to St. Paul’s as GPS systems can often send drivers in the wrong direction! Silk Farm Road is CLOSED to traffic.

We hope that you can join us, and look forward to greeting you on October 18.

Jamie Denham, Sun Woo Lee, Muriel Wang, Debate Captains
Kevin Barry and Andrew Gray, Coaches


Sunday, October 18, 2015

BIRT: the U.S. government should implement a tax on wealth.

Schedule of Events:

10:00 –11:00 Registration, Coit Common Room
10:00-11:00 Brunch, Coit Upper Dining Hall
11:00-11:30 Joint Debaters’ and Judges’ Meeting, Coit Upper Dining Hall
Timers’/Runners’ Meeting in Coit Common Room
11:45 – 1:00 Round One
1:00 – 2:15 Round Two
2:15 – 3:30 Round Three.
Note: After Round Three snacks will be available back at Coit Upper Dining Hall.
4:15 – 4:30 Awards Ceremony, Coit Upper Dining Hall

Oregon Style Prepared:

1st Affirmative constructive 7 minutes
2nd Negative cross-examination 3 minutes
1st Negative constructive 7 minutes
1st Affirmative cross-examination 3 minutes
2nd Affirmative constructive 7 minutes
1st Negative cross-examination 3 minutes
2nd Negative constructive 7 minutes
2nd Affirmative cross-examination 3 minutes
1st Negative rebuttal 4 minutes
1st Affirmative rebuttal 4 minutes
2nd Negative rebuttal 4 minutes
2nd Affirmative rebuttal 4 minutes